Monday, October 29, 2012


We are having a TECHNOLOGY FAIR!
When: Wed., November 14th
Time: 8:00am-8:40am
Where: Room W43 (Your child's classroom)
Who: Parents//Grandparents/Students in Mrs. Luft's class

Take advantage of this opportunity to come into the classroom and sit with me, your child, and others to learn how to access our classroom blog, post comments, log onto our class portaportal, and XtraMath. You will have a Netbook to use with your child and I will provide a breakfast treat!
Some people have already signed up but there is still room for more! 
If you are interested in coming, please let me know as soon as possible
Hope to see you at the Technology Fair!

Reading buddies with
 Mrs. Blencowe's Kindergarten class!
We started reading buddies last week with Mrs. Blencowe's class! We each have a buddy we will be reading with throughout this school year!

Mrs. Blencowe & Mrs. Luft

Fun with XtraMath!
Students each take a turn at practicing their addition math fluency on the Netbooks with XtraMath. 

Bentley Before & After



Sunday, October 14, 2012

K-2 Open House/Curriculum Night!

K-2 Open House/Curriculum Night!
Thursday, October 18th  
See you there!